Trick or Treat has been changed to Sunday, October 28 from 5-7.
We are learning about:
- fall holidays
- the life cycle of a pumpkin
- using adjectives in our writing
- odd and even numbers
- the sounds z, x and qu make in words
- using the number grid for addition and subtraction
- where to find words in our room to use at writer's workshop
Some activities we did:
- wrote Halloween stories
- created a pumpkin book
- played a before and after game in math
- exercised to odd and even numbers
- described the ooey gooey inside and the hard, bumpy outside of our class pumpkin
- began reading the Pumpkin Elf
- continued our work with Mrs. Curry about expected and unexpected behaviors
- colored a jack-o-lantern number grid puzzle
- graphed our favorite pumpkins
- read lots of Halloween stories

Poem of the Week: The Skeletons Are Out Tonight
ipad app: Concentration
Upcoming Events:
Tonight is the Halloween Howl!
October 31 Fall Festival
November 8 and 14 Early Release for parent/teacher conferences
November 9 No School teacher workshop
November 12 No School Veteran's Day
Please let me know if you would like to meet and have not signed up for a conference time.
Next week's volunteers:
Monday Melissa Caracciollo
I sent home the link for Xtra math in every child's folder. This is not a have to but a want to. If your child enjoys the challenge of "beating" the computer, this may be the game for them. It is however, strictly optional.
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