- the sound -ck makes at the end of words
- trading pennies for nickels
- writing number stories
- different types of insects
- using backpack reading strategies to help us with tricky words
Art in the hall |
Some activities we did
- wrote insect riddle books
- labeled insects in the computer lab
- used coins to "buy" things at the store
- practiced making change
- created pumpkin glyphs that tell a story
- began our tree journals
- met Mrs. Marceau's friend Mr. Bones
- listened to our very own author Mason's Seal Story

ipad app: Quick Math
poem of the week: There was a Ghost
This week's volunteers Monday Lori Rocha
Wednesday Louise Potorti
Chris West
Upcoming Events
October 26 Halloween Howl
October 31 Fall Festival
November 8 and 14 Early Release for parent/teacher conferences
November 9 No School teacher workshop
November 12 No School Veteran's Day
Please let me know if you would like to meet and have not signed up for a conference time.
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Our mystery reader is... Mr. Potorti! |
Our class is becoming a group of amazing readers! As a result, our reading folders will begin to come home nightly. Your Seal will have the chance to bring home a new book each night to read and to practice with. If your child is reading longer books, they know they may keep them at home as long as they need.
Please help your Seal to remember their reading folders.
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