We also sent home a sash to decorate for the 100th day of school. We will celebrate the BIG day on Thursday, February 7.
We are learning about:
- author's craft
- activating our schema while reading
- making inferences to help us better understand the stories we read
- states of matter
- function boxes
- place value
- greater than and less than

Some activities we did:
- made goop
- conducted a glitter germ experiment
- began writing graphic novel books based on one of our favorite author's Mo Willems
- played the coin exchange game
- painted a giant dragon for Chinese New Year
- shared our amazing writing
- played six more weeks of Winter
Poem of the Week: Walking in the Snow
Upcoming events:
February 6 Public budget hearing in SMS cafe at 7 pm
February 7 100th day of school
February 14 Valentine's Day
February 15 Visit from the Mad Scientist
PTO Father Daughter Dance
February 25-March1 Winter vacation
March 8 District meeting in the SMS cafe at 7 pm
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