May 10th- Bike to School Day: All SMS Students are invited to bike, walk, skateboard or roller blade to school to promote heart healthy and earth friendly habits! If you live far from school or on a busy street, feel free to drive to the park to use the paths as a safe alternative!
May 16th-Early Release and Maker/ArtFest 5:00-7:00: All SMS students will have a piece of artwork on display that they've created in Art Class with Mrs. Dow and many other students, staff, and family members will have other items they've created at home! This is a great event to attend as a family, you will be blown away by these creations!
May 21st- Field Trip to SEE Science Center (Manchester, NH):Permission Slips were sent home for this field trip on Monday. Please return the signed permission slip along with $9 for each of your seals (along with an additional $9 for each parent chaperoning) and any bagged lunch order forms by Monday, May 6th.
May 22d- Field Trip to Exeter High School: Kindergarten will be heading to the high school to enjoy a play put on by EHS Students. This trip will not require chaperones, and permission slips will be due back to school by 5/10. In lieu of purchasing tickets, each student is also asked to send in one canned good on or before the date of this trip to go towards the EHS food drive.
June 3th- Grand Luncheon: We invite all grandparents and special adults to join us for the Grand Luncheon at our school! More information about this special event will be coming home soon.
June 7th- Field Day and Kindergarten Graduation: In the morning between 9:00-11:30, we will be participating in field day at SMS! We will be playing lots of different games outside with our classmates enjoying our last day of Kindergarten. Afterwards, families are welcome to join us for a whole kindergarten picnic lunch from 11:30-12:30 out on the lawn, and afterwards we will head into our classrooms for a special slideshow and to receive our kindergarten diplomas. After we enjoy our treats, you are welcome to bring your child home. If it rains that day, we will spend the morning in our classroom and you will be welcome to join us for the slideshow and ceremony in our classrooms at 12:30
June 11th-12th- Kindergarten Screening: We will be holding kindergarten screening for all incoming kindergartners on these two dates. If you have a child who is headed to SMS next year for K, please see the front office to receive your registration forms.

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