Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Measurement, holidays, jeopardy and bacteria...

 We have been super busy in the Seal classroom over the last couple of weeks.
We traveled half way around the world to China, India and Germany today and Thursday we will go to Israel and Mexico.  Ask your Seal what they did in each country!

We are learning about:

  • how to gather important information from non fiction texts
  • how to write teaching books
  • measuring with different tools
  • place value
  • how bacteria grows
  • needs and wants
  • celebrations around the world

Dr. Williams and her trusty assistant came to our class to show us how to grow bacteria!
We each swabbed our hands and grew all kinds of fascinating bacterias!

We even looked at things closely under the microscope!

and after just a few days...

Sharing how our thinking is growing and changing as we read non fiction text

Holding all of our new knowledge in our reader's response journals

Measuring the room with markers,

cubes and...

paper clips!

Special guest readers 

word sorts

write the room

writing our spelling words

introducing a new word sort


blind sort

Dolls from around the world

Center time 

comparing measurements with a gingerbread man

place value gingerbread houses

Decorating the flags for our suitcases

We played Jeopardy in Social Detectives.

We used our social smarts to answer all of the questions.