Our dot day continued in our classroom. We each wrote about something that we could do to change the world. We had so many fabulous responses. They are hanging in our hallway for all to see. We created pictures out of dots and each made a dotted head band.
This week in the Seal Class....
We are learning about:
- partnerships in readers' and writers' workshop
- setting reading goals
- sit up tall talk (this is when we talk about the books we are reading with a partner)
- thermometers and temperature
- how scientists make predications based on the own prior knowledge
- the different ways that authors may write

- played Seal class go fish
- made predictions about what would happen to gummy bears in different liquids
- documented our gummy bear experiments in our science journals
- played one more and race to trace
- began a new chapter book Melvin Beederman Superhero
Upcoming events:
- September 26 Curriculum night 6:30
- October 4 First Grade Fall Field Day
- October 9 Field Trip to Coppal Farm
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