It was wonderful to meet so many of you at Curriculum Night!
We are learning about:
- strategies to use to figure out tricky words
- writing about small moment stories
- adding details to our writing to make it more interesting to the reader
- place value with tricky teen numbers
- insects
- number stories in math
Some activities we did:
- created fireflies
- played Scoot
- skip counted to music
- worked with partners on number stories
- played sight word Bingo
- learned lots of new Math games
- practiced giving our name, phone number and address
This week:
Monday Music
Tuesday Computers
Wednesday Art
Thursday PE
Friday Library
Upcoming Events
October 3 Fall Field Day
October 9 Coppal House Farm Corn Maze on October 9th
October 10 Picture day
Homework: Please read every night. This is such a special time when you can share in your child's reading growth.
Practice word sorts.
Try to have your child log onto IXL math twice a week for 15 minutes each. I get a report each week that tells me how long your child practiced and which skills they worked on. Skills to practice are: