We are learning about:
- Veteran's Day
- spiders
- telling time to the half hour
- number bonds
- fact families
- blogging
- the sound short o makes in words like shop, owl and pot
- how to change our voices to match the characters in our books
- our nations' symbols

Some activities we did:
- celebrated Veteran's Day with a whole school morning meeting
- played what time is it?
- created November is.. books
- began practicing for the musical
- wrote persuasive papers to help decide what parts we wanted in the class play
- began looking at different authors to help us with our writing
- played sight word bingo
- painted bald eagles
Poem of the Week: This Pretty Spider
Upcoming Events:
November 12 No School Veteran's Day
November 14 Early Release parent/teacher conferences
November 21-23 No School Thanksgiving recess
December 5 This Old Gingerbread House Musical 6:30 in the SMS cafe
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