Saturday, March 23, 2019

We may not have caught a leprechaun, but we are so lucky to have the best cleaners to pick up the mess!

It was like Christmas morning in the Seal Class!  Our donor's choose headphones came in!

We learned a fun new game to practice our snap words called greet and trade.

Our amazing authors getting ready to publish their books!

A smile can brighten everyone's day!

Friday, March 15, 2019

This week in K

We have had a super busy week in the Seal Class!  We have been stretching our Math brains by solving very tricky word problems.  We introduced all of our books to our new reading partners and have begun to write in sentences and even use quotation marks in our writing. All of our snap word practice is certainly paying off!

Our Donor's Choose project has been fully funded.  Thank you all so much!  We will have pictures of our new headphones as soon as they come.

We made a giant snow fort with our science buddies! We worked together to carry large chunks of snow and design a fort with walls that would stay strong.

We have been working hard to become word part experts.

We made lassos to gather up the rhymes in our words.

Making rhyming words with a partner

Sketching out snow fort designs with our buddies.

We began to solve word problems and showcased our different thinking.

Happy St. Patrick's Day

We made helicopters and watched them fly!

Building leprechaun traps with the Giraffe Class

Enjoying our last bit of snow before the heat wave.