Saturday, September 19, 2015

Mrs. Mastin's Seal Class

It has been an exciting week in our classroom. Each day we continue to add new routines to our readers, writers, and math workshop! 

This week we:

  • found just right reading spots
  • learned how to sort words 
  • celebrated Dot day
  • read with our reading buddies
  • played bunny hop, top it and chip toss in math
  • learned how scientists make close observations
  • began Social Detectives
  • read with our reading partners
  • went book shopping
  • wrote our first stories in writer's workshop
  • discovered the watermelon had decomposed first in our compost bin
  • continued to work hard and have fun!

Upcoming events:

  • Early release September 23
  • SMS PTO movie night September 25
  • Stratham Fire Tower 5K September 27

Finding a just right reading spot

As a class we have been learning about good habits as readers.  We learned the importance of finding a just right reading space, laying out our books to make a plan for reading.  The kids learned to lay out their books to decide which book they would read first, second, etc. We learned that good readers don't just open up a new book...we take a good look at the cover to try to figure what might happen in the story. (Trying to preview the book will hopefully help with trying to figure tricky words and help with the children's understanding of a text)  

Making new friends

A look at Math Workshop
As we begin to dive into our first unit of our math curriculum, we have introduced a variety of math tools that 1st graders will use during math workshop.  Some of these tools include a number line, a pattern block template, decks of cards, and dice. 

Math Games

Practicing becoming word detectives

Celebrating Dot Day

Learning to become first grade scientists

Science in nature