Thursday, February 20, 2014

First Grade Olympics

We had a morning filled with Olympic events!  Ask your Seal about the car race, cup game, rings and cotton ball events!

Monday, February 3, 2014

Newsletter February 3

Lots to celebrate in the Seal Class this week!  We had a fun filled day learning all about Chinese New Year!  We dressed in traditional silk suits, practiced calligraphy, listened to stories about the holiday, created tangram designs and measured "noodles".  

Wednesday marks our 100th day of school!  We will do all things 100 and even have a parade.

In computer lab this week, the children visited the Starfall site.  This can be accessed from the SMS home page.  This is a great site to practice their reading and phonetic skills.

We are learning about:

  • Text features of non fiction books
  • making our persuasive writing stronger by providing lots of reasons
  • knowing our audience when we write
  • how animals survive in cold climates
  • number patterns 
  • factions
  • how readers write in response to what they have read
Some activities we did:
  • painted a giant Chinese dragon
  • created our own dragon puppets
  • discovered how blubber helps animals stay warm in cold climates
  • played a groundhog number game
  • began reading the Mercy Watson series
  • wrote about everyone's favorite snowman..Olaf

IXL skills to practice

  1. E.1
    Subtracting 0
  2. E.2Subtracting 1
  3. E.3Subtracting 2
    1. I.3Place value models up to 100
  1. J.2Equal parts
  1. B.17Related addition facts