Saturday, May 25, 2013

May 25

The Seal class have become quite the group of scientists!  We have successfully conducted experiments on color distribution, plant life cycles, chlorophyl and density and the class has even written about them!

This is also an exciting time in our reader's workshop.  The Seal's have created their very own book groups around the series that they are reading.  We have found them in little clusters around the room, books in hand, discussing the characters, problems and story lines.  We could not be more proud of them.

We finally finished reading Charlotte's Web.  The class connected with the characters in this classic story of friendship.  By the end of the story, they were synthesizing all of the information they had learned about each character and growing their own thinking as a result.

We are learning about:

  • plant life cycles
  • parts of a plant
  • how scientists write about their experiments to hold and grow their thinking 
  • how scientists base their predictions on their own schema
  • compound words

Some activities we did

  • created our own compound words
  • played a math game ordering numbers greatest to least
  • wrote book recommendations to share with our friends
  • learned a new game in the Lobster class

Upcoming Events:

June 3rd:  Luncheon for our Grandparents.  We are inviting them to come to our classroom at 10:30 that morning for a small performance and book share then join us for lunch.

June 6th:  Field Day:  Pack extra clothes for your child.  Please apply sunscreen at home and have your child wear socks and sneakers.

June 11th:  First Grade Mall:  A flyer will go home soon explaining this activity and needed items.  We will need you to help donate items to help ensure success for this activity.  Your child is sure to have a blast!

June 18th:  Newcastle Field Trip:  A permission slip will go home soon.  All families are welcome to attend.  You can spend some or all of the time with us or just join us afterwards for an ice cream at Lagos.  We plan to be at Newcastle for 9:15 and leave by 1:00.  We hope to arrive to Lagos by 1:30 and head back to school by 2:00.  All students will need to ride on the bus to the activities and back to school again.

June 20th:  Last Day of School!

Friday, May 10, 2013

May 10 Newsletter

Thank you to all for making Teacher Appreciation day so special.  The lunch was amazing and the class was so sweet!

We are learning about:

  • plants and how they grow
  • -igh and ight words families
  • how to become the characters in the books that we read
  • how scientists write down their experiments so they can grow their thinking
  • using the number graph to help us with addition and subtraction

Some activities we did:

  • predicted what would happen if we put white carnations and celery stalks in food coloring
  • watched a celery bunch grow new roots 
  • wrote about our science experiments
  • went on the Wellness walk
  • played golf in PE
  • learned a new song in Music class
  • created different types of collage paper
  • continued practicing our math facts
Upcoming Events:

May 15 Early Release
June 3  Grandparents Lunch
June 11 First Grade Mall
June 18 New Castle Commons Field trip