We are learning about:
- Dr King
- place value
- time to the quarter hour
- persuasive speeches
- text features in non fiction books
- the sound r blends (cr, gr, pr, fr, br, dr and tr) make in words
- 5 minute math fact practice
- Antarctica and the Arctic
Some activities we did:
- made magic e words
- created posters of Dr. King
- baked rainbow cookies
- brainstormed word lists that described Dr King and used these to decorate our posters
- played Jake the snake
- solved number riddles with base ten blocks
- played Brain Pop at computers
- wrote about our dreams for a better world
- played a new math game Salute

ipad app: Concentration
Wednesday (12:30-2) Erin Pompeo and Louise Potorti
Friday (9-10) Kelly Lord
Upcoming Events:
February 1 Report cards come home. Please sign and return the envelope.
Wish list:
We will be decorating our Valentine boxes soon. We would love to have any small Valentine decoartions that may be around the house (stickers, foam cutouts, doilies etc)